My girlfriend says I have a small penis, what can I do?

When your girlfriend tells you that you have a small penis, it can be an incredibly embarrassing and hurtful moment. It can make you feel embarrassed, inadequate, and even less confident in the bedroom. This can be a major source of insecurity and can lead to a number of issues in your relationship. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to help improve the size of your penis and your confidence in the bedroom.

The first step to take when your girlfriend tells you that you have a small penis is to talk to her about it. It’s important to be honest with her and to let her know that you are aware of her opinion and that it is affecting your self-esteem. Ask her how she came to the conclusion that your penis is small and listen to her concerns. It’s important to approach the topic calmly and maturely, as this will help to reduce any tension and to ensure that both of you are comfortable discussing the matter.

Once you’ve had a conversation about your penis size, it’s time to take action. There are several measures you can take to help increase the size of your penis and to improve your confidence in the bedroom. One of the best ways to do this is to start doing penis enlargement exercises. These exercises involve stretching and massaging the penis, which can help to increase its length and girth. There are numerous penis enlargement exercises available online, and you can also find instructional videos that will help you to perform the exercises correctly.

In addition to exercising your penis, you can also try using penis enlargement products such as pills, creams, and devices. These products can help to increase the size of your penis, but it’s important to be aware that some of these products may come with potential risks or side effects. Before you decide to use any of these products, it’s important to consult with your doctor or a medical professional to make sure that they are safe.

Finally, it’s important to remember that size isn’t everything in the bedroom. Even if your penis isn’t as large as you’d like, there are still plenty of ways to pleasure your partner and to enjoy sex. Try experimenting with different positions, using sex toys, or focusing on foreplay. These techniques can help to make your sex life more enjoyable and to reduce any insecurities you may have about your penis size.

It’s never easy to hear that you have a small penis, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t have to be a source of insecurity. By talking openly and honestly with your girlfriend, exercising your penis, and trying other techniques to make sex more enjoyable, you can help to improve both your penis size and your confidence in the bedroom.